National museums, archives and heritage in Scotland

Archaeology Scotland

Suite 1a, Stuart House Eskmills, Station Road

Musselburgh EH21 7PB

0845 872 3333

Archaeology Scotland is a key centre for community archaeology in Scotland. We are a voluntary membership organisation that works to secure the archaeological heritage of Scotland for its people through education, promotion and support.

Museums Galleries Scotland

Waverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place

Edinburgh EH1 3EG

0131 550 4100

Museums Galleries Scotland is the National Development Body for the museum sector in Scotland. Our role is to work collaboratively to invest in and develop a sustainable museum and galleries sector for Scotland. We work with a sector of over 400 museums and galleries, supporting and enabling them to meet their objectives in a number of ways, including though strategic investment, advice, advocacy and skills development opportunities.

National Archives of Scotland (NAS)

The National Records of Scotland, HM General Register House, 2 Princes Street

Edinburgh EH1 3YY

0131 5351314

We perform the registration and statistical functions of the Registrar General for Scotland, including responsibility for demographic statistics and census, and the archival functions of the Keeper including maintaining the archives as one of Scotland’s five National Collections, and providing a leadership role for Scottish archive and record professionals. We are also responsible for the service for family history provided under the highly successful ScotlandsPeople brand.

National Library of Scotland

George IV Bridge

Edinburgh EH1 1EW

0131 226 4531

Scotland’s largest library and the world centre for the study of Scotland and the Scots. Thanks to our UK legal deposit status, we are also a vast reference library.

Collections: 7 million printed books, 120,000 volumes of manuscripts, 1.6 million maps, and over 20,000 newspaper and magazine titles.

National Museum of Flight Scotland

East Fortune Airfield

East Fortune EH39 5LF

0300 123 6789

Discover the extraordinary story of our human ambition to take to the skies. East Fortune played an important role as an airfield during two World Wars.

National Museum of Rural Life Scotland

Wester Kittochside, Philipshill Road

East Kilbride G76 9HR

0300 123 6789

You’ll find plenty to fill your day out at the National Museum of Rural Life. We’ve got pigs, sheep, cows, horses and hens, as well as an award-winning museum, historic farmhouse and wide open fields.

National Museum of Scotland

Chambers Street

Edinburgh EH1 1JF

0300 123 6789

From the age of dinosaurs to the technology of the future, our galleries contain treasures from around the world. From meteorites to monsters from the deep, our Natural World galleries tell the story of our planet, while our World Cultures gallery links people and possessions across the globe. Follow the story of Scotland from prehistory to the present day in our Scottish galleries, marvel at a spectacular array of over 800 objects in our Window on the World and meet the Scots whose ideas, innovations and leadership took them across the world in our Discoveries gallery.

National Piping Centre & Museum

The Piping Centre, 30-34 McPhater Street, Cowcaddens

Glasgow EH1 1JF

0141 353 0220

Now you can witness hundreds of years of Scottish heritage, played out right before your eyes and ears at The museum of Piping in the Piping Centre. As a showcase for artefacts from the National Museums of Scotland, the museum of Piping houses the most authoritative display of its kind anywhere. Already, the Piping Centre’s collection of archival material is an internationally respected resource for serious students and musicologists. Yet this priceless collection is presented in a lively audio-visual format that is as entertaining as it is enlightening.

National Records of Scotland – NRS

The National Archives of Scotland, H M General Register House, 2 Princes Street

Edinburgh EH1 3YY

0131 535 1314

In 2011, the General Register Office for Scotland merged with the NAS to become the National Records of Scotland (NRS). The NAS has been making the archives of Scotland available through its publications since the early 19th century. So whether you are studying history or reading it purely for your own pleasure, our range of publications can help bring the past alive.

National Trust for Scotland

Hermiston Quay, 5 Cultins Rd

Edinburgh EH11 4DF

0131 458 0200

The National Trust for Scotland is the conservation charity that protects and promotes Scotland’s natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations to enjoy.

National War Museum Scotland

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh EH1 2NG

0300 123 6789

War and military service have touched the lives of countless Scots, leaving their mark on Scotland’s history, image and reputation abroad. Here, in the magnificent setting of Edinburgh Castle, explore over 400 years of the Scottish military experience.

Royal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments of Scotland – RCAHMS

John Sinclair House, 16 Bernard Terrace

Edinburgh EH8 9NX

0131 662 1456

The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS) collects, records and interprets information on the architectural, industrial, archaeological and maritime heritage of Scotland. We have been doing this for more than a hundred years, and our archive offers a unique insight into the special nature of Scotland’s Places.

Scottish Archaeology & Heritage Festival

The Council for Scottish Archaeology, c/o National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street

Edinburgh EH1 1JF

A month-long festival celebrating Scotland’s unique archaeological heritage. Under the co-ordination of the Council for Scottish Archaeology (CSA). Over 100 events are on offer each September.

Scottish Association of Family History Societies

77 Erskine Hill, Polmont

Falkirk FK2 0UH

01324 713037

The Scottish Association of Family History Societies provides access to family history societies in Scotland and elsewhere, resources, and advice.

Scottish Council on Archives

General Register House, 2 Princes Street

Edinburgh EH1 3YY

We provide leadership for the archives and records management sector in Scotland. We build national and international partnerships, deliver strategic advice and research, and develop projects spanning stakeholder engagement, education, and quality improvement.

Scottish Fisheries Museum

St Ayles, Harbourhead

Anstruther KY10 3AB

01333 310628

The Scottish Fisheries Museum, housed in a range of historic buildings on Anstruther’s harbour front, tells the story of Scotland’s fishing industry, and the people who took part in it, from the earliest times to the present. Our library and archive, containing much of interest to family historians and researchers into the industry, are open by appointment.

Scottish Football Museum

The National Stadium, Hampden Park

Glasgow G42 9AY

0141 616 6100

Opened in May 2001, the Scottish Football Museum is housed within the oldest national football stadium in the world, Hampden Park. The museum is now home to the world’s oldest international match ticket (from Scotland v England, 1872), the world’s oldest football trophy (the Scottish Cup) and the first ever World Championship trophy (won by Renton in 1888).

Scottish Genealogy Society

15 Victoria Terrace

Edinburgh EH1 2JL


The society, based in Edinburgh and founded in 1953, helps with research into Scottish family and local history. Run by volunteers, we can advise you at all stages in your research. Members and visitors will always get a friendly welcome at our Library & Family History Centre.

Scottish Maritime Museum

The Linthouse Building, Laird Forge, Gottries Road

Irvine KA12 8QE

01294 278283

Scotland’s influence on the maritime history of the world from the 18th century to the modern day has been enormous and out of all proportion to the size of the country. The two sites operated by the Scottish Maritime Museum contain the exhibitions and collections that tell the story of that great maritime tradition.

Scottish Mining Museum

Lady Victoria Colliery

Newtongrange EH22 4QN

0131 663 7519

The Scottish Mining Museum is housed within the Lady Victoria Colliery, one of Europe’s finest examples of Victorian architecture and the last remaining colliery in Scotland. The visitor centre contains films, exhibitions, interactives, recreated underground and coalface, Scotland’s largest winding engine and recently launched Big Stuff tours which all contribute to bringing the history of Scotland’s coal mining industry to the forefront of people’s minds.

Scottish National War Memorial

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh EH1 2YT

0131 226 7393

The National War Memorial for Scotland, established by Royal Charter to commemorate the sacrifice of Scots in the Great War, Second World War and subsequent conflicts. The Memorial within Edinburgh Castle houses and displays the Rolls of Honour of Scots servicemen and women from all the Armed Services, the Dominions, Merchant Navy, Womens’ Services, Nursing Services and Civilian casualties of war from 1914 to date.

Scottish Printing Archival Trust

3 Zetland Place

Edinburgh EH5 3HU

The Scottish Printing Archival Trust was formed in 1988 to con­serve ‘know­ledge and examples of Scotland’s print­ing her­it­age for the bene­fit of the public and print/media education’. The Trust pro­motes interest in the his­tory of the Scottish print­ing industry, which is one of Scotland’s oldest. It does not hold any archival col­lec­tions itself, but works with vari­ous insti­tu­tions to ensure that print­ing archives and arte­facts are not lost.

Scottish Rugby Union Library

Murrayfield Stadium

Edinburgh EH12 5PJ

0131 346 5100

Join our knowledgable guides on a tour around Murrayfield, the home of Scottish Rugby. Your visit includes the Royal Box, pitchside, tunnel and dressing rooms, President’s Suite, TV studio and corporate boxes (not all areas may be available).

Scottish Screen Archive

1 Bowmont Gardens

Glasgow G12 9LR

0141 337 7400

The Scottish Screen Archive was established in 1976 and is a department of Scottish Screen, a publicly funded organisation. The main purpose of the archive is to locate, preserve and provide access to Scotland’s moving image heritage.

Collections: Principally non-fiction, the collection comprises some 32,000 reels and videotapes. The nature of the holdings includes topical, documentary, educational, promotional, industrial and amateur material as well as Gaelic language productions.

Scottish Tartans Museum

The Institute Hall, Mid Street

Keith AB55 5BJ

01542 888 419

The Scottish Tartan’s Museum’s main focus is on the history and development of Scottish Highland Dress, namely tartan and the kilt. The museum gallery features original and replica kilts showing styles from the late 16th century till today, with many original kilts dating back over 200 years.

Scottish Textile Heritage Online

Our website aims to provide a one-stop shop for anyone wanting information about the richness and diversity of Scottish Textile heritage collections. Users will be able to browse through a database of some 4,000 descriptions of archive and museum collections and objects with supporting images.


John Sinclair House, 16 Bernard Terrace

Edinburgh EH8 9NX

0131 662 1456

Scran is the award-winning learning website with over 360,000 images, videos and sounds from museums, galleries, archives and the media.

Collections: Key holdings in the areas of art history, photography, british history, archaeology, architectural history, social history, industrial history, everyday life, historic maps, scottish culture and local history. Collections also include artefacts from other world cultures, including Africa, the Far East and America.

Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings in Scotland

The Glasite Meeting House, 33 Barony Street

Edinburgh EH3 6NX

0131 557 1551

Members of the SPAB living and working in Scotland decided to form their own semi autonomous group in 1995. Scotland has her own buildings traditions, architectural language and property laws, which are best dealt with locally.