FLAME. the Gasworks Museum of Ireland
44 Irish Quarter West
Carrickfergus BT38 8AT
028 9336 9575
Carrickfergus boasts Ireland’s sole surviving coal gasworks and is one of only three left in the British Isles. Visit this unique site and see how gas was made from coal in Europe’s largest set of hoizontal retorts. You’ll also get a great view of the town from the top of the gasholder.
Collections: Besides the gasworks, FLAME also has an extensive collection of gas appliances and a library on the gas industry.
General Register Office for Northern Ireland (GRONI)
Oxford House, 49 – 55 Chichester Street,
Belfast BT1 4HL
0300 200 7890
The General Register Office for Northern Ireland administers marriage law and the registration of births, deaths, marriages, civil partnerships and adoption in Northern Ireland.
Irish Heritage Association
A.204 Portview, 310 Newtownards Road
Belfast BT4 1HE
028 90455325
This association is involved in the Rally of Settler Families as well as several clann gatherings.
Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum
Market Square
Lisburn BT28 1AG
028 92 663377
The Irish Linen Centre and Lisburn Museum houses a major exhibition of the history of Irish Linen, an interactive gallery with hands on participation in linen manufacturing processes; an audio-visual presentation on the lives of workers in a Victorian factory setting and hand loom weavers producing linen on restored 19th century looms.
National Museums Northern Ireland
Holywood BT18 0EU
0845 608 0000
Across three unique sites, we care for and present the inspirational collections that reflect the creativity, innovation, history, culture and people of Northern Ireland.
North of Ireland Family History Society
Graduate School of Education, Queen�s university of Belfast, 69 University Street
Belfast BT7 1HL
The objective of the society is to foster an interest in family history with special reference to families with roots in the North of Ireland and their descendants, wherever they may be.
Northern Ireland Museums Council
6 Crescent Gardens,
Belfast BT7 1NS
028 9055 0215
The Northern Ireland Museums Council is a company with charitable status that was established under Ministerial order in 1993. It is managed by a Board, composed of representatives from the regional and national museums in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland War Memorial
21 Talbot Street
Belfast BT1 2LD
It is the mission of NIWM to enrich people’s understanding of the contribution of the people of Northern Ireland in two world wars by preserving and displaying a unique collection. We deliver a programme of engaging displays and enjoyable events to visitors and tourists from around the world and reach out to everyone in Northern Ireland through a programme of learning and education.
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
2 Titanic Boulevard
Belfast BT3 9HQ
028 9025 5905
PRONI holds a diverse range of archives from official and private sources, including church and school registers, court records, wills, land valuation and landed estate records.
Railway Preservation Society of Ireland
Whitehead Excursion Station, Castleview Road
Whitehead BT38 9NA
028 2826 0803
The RPSI was formed in 1964 to preserve in working order steam locomotives and other rolling stock built for the Irish railway system, from 1850 to the present day. The RPSI maintains a museum at Whitehead and operates steam-hauled excursions over the present day Irish railway network for families and enthusiasts.
Society of Genealogists Northern Ireland (SGNI)
The society of Genealogists Northern Ireland (SGNI) comprises commercial genealogists based in the six counties of Northern Ireland (Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry (Derry), Tyrone) who adhere to our Code of Practice.
Ulster Historical Foundation
49 Malone Road
Belfast BT9 6RY
028 9066 1988
Discover your Irish and Scots-Irish Ancestry with Ulster Historical Foundation. The Foundation has online records and publications available to help you discover your Irish and Scots-Irish ancestors.