Missing piece of Stonehenge returned

A piece of one of the enormous sarsen stones at Stonehenge has been returned to the ancient monument, English Heritage has announced. The prehistoric stone ‘core’ was removed during archaeological excavations in 1958 and its existence remained largely unknown for the next 60 years. The core will now join English Heritage’s collection of more than … Read more

Tickets now on sale for June’s Chalke Valley History Festival

Tickets are now available for one of the largest history-related events of the calendar, the Chalke Valley History Festival held near Salisbury in Wiltshire from 24-30 June this year. Those taking part in the Festival for the first time include Turtle Bunbury on Around the World in 1847, the best-selling crime novelist Minette Walters who will be discussing the … Read more

Stonehenge renewed

You may not be able to trace your forebears to Neolithic times, but Stonehenge is at last worth visiting again, writes Andrew Chapman. Everyone’s been to Stonehenge already, haven’t they? Even if you haven’t, you may be aware of the halcyon days of the early 1970s when it was still possible to meander among the … Read more

Museums, archives and heritage in Wiltshire

Wiltshire (or Wilts), county in SW. of England, bounded NW. and N. by Gloucestershire, E. by Berks and Hants, S. by Hants and Dorset, and W. by Somerset; greatest length, N. and S., 53 miles; greatest breadth, E. and W., 37 miles; area, 866,677 acres, population 258,965. The county is divided into 2 divisions by … Read more

The mop fair

Nell Darby details the history of the statute fair, or mop fair, where servants tried to find work, but could became the victims of crime instead. In my local town, a fair is held twice a year. It’s a rather standard event; there are fairground rides, stalls where you can shoot a can to win … Read more