Museums, archives and heritage in Cornwall

Cornwall – maritime county of England, forming its SW. extremity; is bounded by Devon on the E., and washed on all the other sides by the sea; length, NE. and SW., 75 miles; average breadth, 22 miles; coastline, about 200 miles; area, 863,665 acres, population. 330,686. The S. coast is much and deeply indented, and has some good harbours. The principal openings from W. to E. are Mounts Bay, Falmouth Bay and Harbour, St Austell Bay, Fowey Harbour, Whitsand Bay, and Plymouth Sound. Falmouth is one of the finest harbours in Britain. The indentations on the N. consist of shallow bays with few or no harbours. The chief promontories are Land’s End, where the granite cliffs are about 60 ft. high; and the Lizard, the most S. point of England. The Isles of Scilly lie off Land’s End, 25 miles to the SW. The Devonian range extends NE. and SW., rising in Brown Willy to an altitude of 1368 ft. The streams are numerous, but small. The principal are the Tamar (which forms the boundary with Devon), Lyhner, Fowey, and Camel. There is much barren moorland, but the soil in the valleys is fertile. The prevailing rock is granite, of a grey or bluish-grey colour, which often rises above the surface in huge, rugged masses; clay slate also abounds. The tin and copper mines of Cornwall have been celebrated from remote ages, having been known, it is supposed, to the Phoenicians. Some of them are of very great depth, and have been carried beneath the sea. Silver, lead, zinc, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth are also found in considerable quantities. The fisheries, especially of pilchard and mackerel, are extensive and valuable. The county comprises 9 hundreds, the Isles of Scilly, 219 parishes, the parliamentary borough of Penryn and Falmouth (1 member), and the municipal boroughs of Bodmin, Falmouth, Helston, Launceston, Liskeard, Penryn, Penzance, St Ives, and Truro. It is entirely in the diocese of Truro.

– John Bartholomew, Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887)

Barbara Hepworth Museum & Sculpture Garden – Tate

Barnoon Hill

St Ives TR26 1AD

01736 796 226

Barbara Hepworth’s studio and garden have been run by the Tate since 1980, and are now an integral part of Tate St Ives. Hepworth, who died in 1975, asked in her will that Trewyn Studios and the adjacent garden, with a group of her sculptures placed as she wished, be permanently open to the public. Visiting the museum and Garden is a unique experience, which gives remarkable insight into the work and outlook of one of Britain’s most important 20th-century artists.

Bodmin Town Museum

Mount Folly

Bodmin PL31 2HQ

01208 77067

Interesting local history museum using photographs, text and artefacts in displays showing rocks and minerals, WWI and WWII showcases, model forge, agricultural implements, a Cornish kitchen (Victorian), Bardic items, law and order, wildlife, railways, local worthies, medieval church exhibits, Victoriana and fire service including 1770 fire engine.

Bodrifty Iron Age Settlement

Bodrifty Farm, Newmill

Penzance TR20 8XT

01736 361217

In this area of enclosed moorland are the remains of an Iron Age (600 BC – AD 43) settlement, consisting of the ruins of eight roundhouses within a low enclosing bank. The site was excavated in the 1950s and a wider area surveyed in 1985. Some Bronze Age pottery was found indicating occupation.



St Austell PL26 6LY

01872 501310

The imposing edifice of Caerhays Castle has at first glance the appearance of a Norman stronghold. In fact the building was in fact built by the famous architect, John Nash during the 19th century for John Bettesworth Trevanion.

Callington Heritage Centre

Liskeard Road

Callington PL17 7HA

01579 389506

Callington Heritage Centre is situated in the former chapel building on Liskeard Road, Callington. Our interests span all aspects of the social and economic history of Callington and all the surrounding parishes.

Caradon Hill Area Heritage Project

Minions Heritage Centre, Minions

Liskeard PL14 5LJ

01579 362 350

The Caradon Hill Area Heritage Project is a Living Landscape Project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, the RDPE and local partners.

Castle Bude, The

Lower Wharf

Bude EX23 8LG

01288 357302

Bude-Stratton Museum was established in 1974 by the Town Council in an old blacksmith’s forge once owned by Bude Canal. By 1994 it had become the first north Cornwall museum to gain MGC Certification status. In 2007 it was renamed ‘heritage centre’ and re-housed in the Council’s newly renovated building, The castle.

Charlestown Shipwreck & Heritage Centre

Quay Road, Charlestown

St Austell PL25 3NJ

01726 69897

The centre tells the history of diving, salvage and shipwrecks from the earliest times to the present day. Originally a dry house for china clay on underground tunnels that visitors can explore.

Chysauster Ancient Village – English Heritage


Penzance TR20 8XA

07831 757934

This Iron Age settlement was originally occupied almost 2,000 years ago. The village consisted of stone-walled homesteads known as ‘courtyard houses’, found only on the Land’s End peninsula and the Isles of Scilly.

Constantine Heritage Collection

The Tolmen Centre, Fore Street

Constantine TR11 5AA

01326 341353 / 340279

From mining and quarrying, music and farming, bowling, and bands to cricket, art and religion, Constantine has a fascinating past. The museum reflects the life and times of this vibrant community near the Helford River.

Cornish Studies Library

The Cornwall Centre, Alma Place

Redruth TR15 2AT

01209 216760

Local Studies library dealing with all things Cornish.

Cornwall Council

Cornwall Council’s Archives and Cornish Studies Service is made up of Cornwall Record Office (in Truro) and the Cornish Studies Library (in Redruth). Together, they are home to hundreds of thousands of manuscripts, maps, photographs and books related to Cornwall’s history.

Cornwall Family History Society

5 Victoria Square

Truro TR1 2RS

01872 264044

Since its beginning in 1976, the society has aimed to become a ‘centre of excellence’ by encouraging Cornish family history research. This is being achieved by publishing a quarterly Journal, co-ordinating the transcription and indexing of over 5 million original records, maintaining a research library in Truro for members and the general public and offering a means of worldwide contact and exchange of information between members.

Cornwall Record Office

Old County Hall

Truro TR1 3AY

01872 323127

Cornwall Record Office provides a professional archive service for Cornwall. Its main purpose is to ensure that the archives relating to the people, places and organisations of Cornwall are preserved for the future and made available, where possible, for public consultation.

Cornwall’s Regimental Museum

The Keep

Bodmin PL31 1EG

01208 72810

Cornwall’s Regimental Museum is recognized as probably the finest Military Museum in the South West of England. Housed in ‘The Keep’ at Bodmin, which is a Grade II listed building, constructed at the time of the Napoleonic threats, the collection tells the story of the County Regiment from 1702 until the present date. The displays cover the story of the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, the volunteers and volunteer militia and the successor Regiment, The Light Infantry.

Cotehele – National Trust

St Dominick

Saltash PL12 6TA

01579 351346

Medieval house with superb collections of textiles, armour and furniture, set in extensive grounds.

Cotehele Mill – National Trust

St Dominick

Saltash PL12 6TA

01579 351346

Restored working watermill and agricultural workshops. Flour produced is regularly available for sale.

Davidstow Airfield Cornwall at War Museum

Nottles Park, Davidstow

Camelford PL32 9YF

07799 194918

The Davidstow Airfield Cornwall at War Museum has a wide remit, dedicated primarily to RAF Davidstow moor from its opening on 1st October 1942 until its closure at the end of 1945. It also covers all the other airfields along the North Comwall coast, the Royal Navy in and around the county, the Army civilian services, home front etc.

East Pool Mine – National Trust


Near Redruth TR15 3ED

01209 315027

At the very heart of the Cornish Mining World Heritage Site sit two great beam engines, originally powered by high-pressure steam boilers introduced by local hero Richard Trevithick. Preserved in their towering engine houses, they are a reminder of Cornwall’s days as a world-famous centre of industry, engineering and innovation.

Elliotts Grocery Store

27 Lower Fore Street

Saltash PL12 6JQ

01752 843388/ 07767 444816

Elliott’s Store was closed in the 1970s and remains as it was when closed, although the fixtures and fitings predate this by many decades. An exhibition concentrates on the history of the family, the building and local social history.

Fowey Museum

Town Hall, Trafalgar Square

Fowey PL3 1AT

01726 833513

Housed in the old Fowey Borough Council Chamber the collection illustrates the past social and civic history of the town. Includes mayoral regalia, costumes, old photographs, models of old sailing ships postcards, etc.

Geevor Tin Mine Museum & Heritage Centre


Penzance TR19 7EW

01736 788662

Geevor, situated amid the dramatic scenery of Cornwall’s Atlantic coast, is the largest mining history site in the UK. Here you can see how tin was mined and then processed.

Gerrans Heritage Centre

The Old Forge,

Tregassick Road TR2 5EF

01872 580274

The history of Gerrans Parish is represented in the Heritage Centre through displays depicting farming through the ages, the fishing industry, education, Domesday Book entries and much more. Displays are illustrated with photographs, tithe maps and other documents.

Godolphin – National Trust

Godolphin Cross

Helston TR13 9RE

01736 763194

A historic house and medieval garden all set within an ancient and atmospheric estate Discover Godolphin, one of the most fashionable houses in Cornwall in the 17th century. Long since abandoned, you can soak up the atmosphere of peace and antiquity as you explore this romantic home. Wander around the 16th century garden, one of the most important historic gardens in Europe.

Grampound with Creed Heritage Centre

Old Town Hall,

Fore Street TR2 4QS

01726 883214

The Grampound with Creed Heritage Project has opened a Heritage Centre. It is accommodated in the Old Town Hall at Grampound and comprises a listening post for oral histories, a digital photo-archive, wall banners showing the history of the area and a short film about the locality.

Harveys Foundry Trust / Hayle Heritage Centre

John Harvey House, 24 Foundry Square

Hayle TR27 4HH

01736 757683

Hayle Heritage Centre is run by Harvey’s Foundry Trust – a charity that has for over 20 years been working to protect and promote Hayles rich heritage. The centre is based at Harvey’s Foundry site renowned for its contribution to major engineering projects of the 19th century and is associated with great engineers of the Industrial Revolution.

Helston Folk Museum

Old Butter Market, Market Place

Helston TR13 8TH

01326 564027

Housed in the former butter and meat markets, now also the Drill Hall, the museum was established in 1949. The collection is mainly Victorian and covers all aspects of life on the Lizard Peninsula.

Holywell & Crantock – National Trust

North Cornwall coast

near Newquay TR8 5RN

0191 2557610

The Holy Jesus Hospital is a hidden Gem in the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne with over 700 years of history to explore. Home to an Augustinian Friary, an alms house, a soup kitchen and a Tudor tower, the site covers a wide period of history.

Hypatia Trust

Trevelyan House, 16 Chapel Street

Penzance TR18 4AW

01736 366597

The Hypatia Trust has been created to collect, and make available, published and personal documentation about the achievements of women in every aspect of their lives. Central to the Trust’s activities is the care and development of the Hypatia Collection, a unique collection of books, artefacts, and archives, by and about women. The Hypatia Library was set up in 1996, with registered offices at the Jamieson Library, Newmill, Penzance, Cornwall to protect and develop the extensive collections of archives (scrapbooks, diaries, letters), books, periodicals, artefacts and ephemera, and audio-visual materials formed over a 30 year period by Melissa Hardie, who now serves as the company secretary and one of the Trustees.

Isles of Scilly Museum

Church Street

St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly TR21 0JT

01720 422337

Following the severe gales in the winter of 1962, Nornour (Eastern Isles) yielded up some remarkable Romano-British finds, causing some St Mary’s residents to establish a local museum. After much fundraising and thanks to huge volunteer enthusiasm, the present Museum was built.

King Edward Mine Museum


Camborne TR14 9HW

01209 714681

The award-winning King Edward Mine Museum specialises in the mining history of Cornwall. It tells the remarkable story of how this mine has survived almost unaltered for over 100 years.

Lanhydrock – National Trust


Bodmin PL30 5AD

01208 265950

One of the most fascinating and complete late 19th-century houses in England, Lanhydrock is full of period atmosphere. Although the gatehouse and north wing (with magnificent 32yd-long gallery with plaster ceiling) survive from the 17th century, the rest of the house was rebuilt following a disastrous fire in 1881.

Launceston Castle – English Heritage

Launceston PL15 7DR

01566 772365

Set on a large natural mound, Launceston Castle dominates the surrounding landscape. Begun soon after the Norman Conquest, its focus is an unusual keep consisting of a 13th-century round tower built by Richard Earl of Cornwall, inside an earlier circular shell-keep.

Lawrence House – National Trust

9 Castle Street

Launceston PL15 8BA

01566 773277

Lawrence House, Launceston, is a fine Georgian house built in 1753, located in a street which John Betjeman described as ‘having the most perfect collection of 18th century townhouses in Cornwall’. It is owned by the National Trust and leased to Launceston Town Council, who use it to house the town museum, and for the Mayor to host small gatherings.

Leach Pottery

Higher Stennack

St Ives TR26 2HE

01736 799703

The Leach Pottery in St Ives was established by Bernard Leach and Shoji Hamada in 1920. One of the great figures of 20th century art, Leach played a crucial pioneering role in creating an identity for artist potters in Britain and around the world. Today, following a restoration and rebuild project which was completed in 2008, the Leach Pottery includes the historic workshop and kilns, a dedicated museum space, contemporary gallery and shop and working production studios where the new range of Leach tableware is made by a small international team of potters and apprentices.

Levant Mine & Beam Engine – National Trust

Trewellard Pendeen

near St Just TR19 7SX

01736 786156

Part of the Cornwall and West Devon Mining World Heritage Site, this is the only Cornish beam engine anywhere in the world that is still in steam on its original mine site. The famous Levant engine is housed in a small engine house perched on the edge of the cliffs.

Liskeard & District Museum

Foresters Hall, Pike Street

Liskeard PL14 3JE

01579 346087

The Caradon mining area is a magnet for industrial heritage enthusiasts. The remains of engine houses on the south eastern edge of Bodmin Moor tell of 19th century mines producing copper, tin and other minerals.

Lost Gardens of Heligan, The


St.Austell PL26 6EN

01726 845100

Lying at the heart of one of the most mysterious estates in England, Heligan, the former seat of the Tremayne family, is now the site of the largest garden restoration in Europe. Its extraordinary plant collection together with a range of exotic glasshouses, working buildings, romantic structures and designed landscapes reflect the past passions and interests of the family.

Lostwithiel Museum

16 Fore Street

Lostwithiel PL22 0AS

01208 873341

12th century Lostwithiel was an important town and major port, becoming the capital of Cornwall in the 13th century. Today’s fully accredited museum is a registered charity run by volunteers.

Marazion Museum

Town Hall, Market Place

Marazion TR17 0AP

A very small museum run by enthusiastic volunteers. The museum houses many artefacts – around 90% of which come from Marazion – and the collections depict life in the town of last century.

Mary Newman’s Cottage

48 Culver Road,

Saltash PL12 4DS

01752 848466

The cottage gives an insight into Tudor life for the majority of Elizabethans. The interior has a kitchen and bedroom and the garden is a replica of Elizabethan style and includes many plants of the age and information on their uses.

Mevagissey Museum

East Wharf,

Inner Harbour PL26 6QR

01726 843568

History’s first mention of Mevagissey is in 1313, but its fine, harbourside museum suggests it is much older. Older even than the two 6th century Irish missionaries who gave it its name, or the archaeologically attested trade with Phoenicians in copper and tin.

Mount Edgcumbe House


Torpoint PL10 1HZ

01752 822 236

Mount Edgcumbe House is the former home of the Earls of Mount Edgcumbe. Set in Grade I Cornish Gardens within 865 acres Country Park on the Rame Peninsula, South East Cornwall.

Murdoch House

Cross Street, Redruth, United Kingdom

Redruth TR15 2BU

01209 215736

In the late 18th century, the home of William Murdoch, the Scottish Engineer who erected steam engines in the Cornish copper and tin mines and where he perfected the technique of gas lighting. Also the home of the Cornish Global Migration Project.

Museum of Witchcraft

The Harbour

Boscastle PL35 0HD

01840 250 111

The museum of Witchcraft houses the world’s largest collection of witchcraft related artefacts and regalia. The museum has been in Boscastle since 1960 and is one of Cornwalls most popular museums. Attached to the museum is library which has over 5500 occult related titles, and can be accessed by appointment, and is free of charge for members of ‘Friends of the Boscastle museum of Witchcraft’ – a charity created to support the museum.

Newquay Old Cornwall Society

Secretary, 11, St Aubyn Crescent

Newquay TR7 2RQ

01637 873976

The object of the society is to advance the education of the public in Cornish pre-history, history, traditions, folklore, music, industries and in the Cornish language. The society arranges lectures, exhibitions, seminars and visits and participates in the activities of the Federation of Old Cornwall Societies.

Old Guildhall & Gaol at East Looe

Old Guildhall and Gaol, Higher Market Street

East Looe PL13 1BP

01503 262070

The museum features the socioeconomic history of the town since Norman times. Later history, illustrated in over 600 photographs which date from the 1870s, featuring fishing boats, lifeboats, the railway & canal used to transport ore & materials to the mining district around Caradon are all featured.

Padstow Museum

The Institute, Market Place

Padstow PL28 8AL

01841 532752

This small but interesting museum is situated just 20 metres from the harbour side in the port of Padstow on the North Cornish Coast. Initially set up in 1971 by an enthusiastic group of local residents headed by retired boat builder Bill Lindsey, it holds an interesting collection of artefacts giving an insight into the history of the Port of Padstow over the past two centuries.

Pendennis Castle – English Heritage

Falmouth TR11 4LP

01326 316594

Discover the wartime secrets of Cornwall’s greatest fortress. Pendennis Castle was built by King Henry VIII to defend against possible attack by Spain and France.

Penlee House Gallery & Museum

Morrab Road

Penzance TR18 4HE

01736 363625

Penlee House is the only Cornish public gallery specialising in the Newlyn School artists (c.1880 – c.1940) including Stanhope and Elizabeth Forbes, Walter Langley, Harold Harvey and Laura Knight. Set in an elegant Victorian house and park, Penlee House also covers West Cornwall’s archaeology and social history, and offers an excellent café and well-stocked shop.

Penryn Museum

Town Hall,

Higer Market Street TR10 8LT

01326 372158

Our small museum encompasses interesting objects from the vast span of unique history of Penryn and gives an insight into the people who created our past.

Perranzabuloe Museum

Oddfellows Hall, Ponsmere Road

Perranporth TR6 0BW

01872 573321

Perranzabuloe, meaning ‘Perran in the sands’, is one of the largest parishes in Cornwall. The biggest centre of population is Perranporth where the museum is located.

Polperro Heritage Museum of Smuggling & Fishing

The Warren

Polperro PL13 2RB

01503 273 005

A small, friendly museum situated in the old Pilchard Factory right on the harbour of the historic fishing village of Polperro. Exhibits depict the history of fishing and smuggling as well as local and family history, and include a fascinating photographic collection dating back to the 1860s.

Port Eliot

Port Eliot Estate Office, St Germans

Saltash PL12 5ND

01503 230211

Port Eliot has the rare distinction of being a Grade 1 listed house with a Grade 1 listed park and garden.

Porthcurno Telegraph Museum

Eastern House, Porthcurno

Penzance TR19 6JX

01736 810966

Porthcurno in Cornwall is one of the UK’s most important historic communications sites and home to the award-winning Porthcurno Telegraph Museum, housed in an underground Second World War building. In 1870 when the beautiful valley of Porthcurno first became a communications centre, pioneering engineers were just beginning to create their own ‘Victorian Internet’.

Collections: The core collection of submarine telegraphy objects and the historic archive collections of key international telegraph cable companies tell the story of the development of international communication that changed the world.

Redruth Museum & Treasure Park

Tolgus Tin, Treasure Park

New Portreath Road TR16 4HN

01209 215084

Built on the site of an old tin mine and set amidst breath-taking gardens, the Treasure Park is a major family attraction in Cornwall. Redruth Town Museum is on site – find out more about the real mine, view the mining artefacts, tools, maps and tin ingots and transport yourself back with the photographs and displays lovingly cared for by the Redruth Old Cornwall Society.

Restormel Castle – English Heritage

Lostwithiel PL22 0EE

01208 872687

The great 13th-century circular shell-keep of Restormel still encloses the principal rooms of the castle in remarkably good condition. It stands on an earlier Norman mound surrounded by a deep dry ditch, atop a high spur beside the River Fowey.

Royal Cornwall Museum

River Street

Truro TR1 2SJ

01872 272205

Discover Cornwall’s unique culture from the ancient past to the present day along with art and artefacts from around the world. Explore magnificent minerals, archaeology and natural history, along with our impressive collection of Newlyn School paintings, old masters and decorative art.

Saltash Heritage

Saltash Heritage Museum and Local History Centre, 17 Lower Fore Street

Saltash PL12 6JQ

01752 848466

Saltash Heritage was formed in 1986 by the late Cornelius ‘Corny’ Hearl and a group of like minded local people who wanted to see the formation of a permanent museum for Saltash.

St Agnes Parish Museum

Penwinnick Road

St Agnes TR5 0PA

01872 553228

An award-winning volunteer-run Museum and Interpretative Centre, comprising information, artefacts and curios relating to the Parish of St Agnes.

St Hilary Church & Heritage Centre

St Hilary Churchtown, St Hilary

Penzance TR20 9DQ

01736 710229

A small Heritage Centre in a newly-restored Old School building beside St Hilary Church, displaying the rich culture and heritage of the area. Descriptive panels tell the story under various themes and other small artefacts and documents are on view.

St Ives Archives

Upper Parish Room, St Andrew’s Street

St Ives TR26 1AH

01736 796408

We are an archive study centre that collects information on all aspects of St Ives and district history: includes art, fishing, folklore, industry, genealogy, maritime, mining, social history, wartime, buildings, writers, musicians etc.

St Ives Museum

Wheal Dream,

St Ives TR26 1PR

01736 796005

The museum, situated in the old fishing quarter of the town and overlooking St Ives Bay, contains many varied displays and collections relating to the St Ives locality. It is St Ives’s best kept secret, so there is plenty for all ages to discover and learn.

St Mawes Castle – English Heritage

Falmouth TR2 5DE

01326 270526

St Mawes Castle is among the best-preserved of Henry VIII’s coastal artillery fortresses, and the most elaborately decorated of them all. One of the chain of forts built between 1539 and 1545 to counter an invasion threat from Catholic France and Spain, it guarded the important anchorage of Carrick Roads, sharing the task with Pendennis Castle on the other side of the Fal estuary.

St Michael’s Mount – National Trust


Penzance TR17 0EF

01736 710507

Rocky island crowned by medieval church and castle, home to a living community, one of England’s most famous and dramatic coastal attractions. An enchanting medieval castle and church perched upon a craggy island.

Stuart House Trust

Barras Street

Liskeard PL14 6AB

01579 347347

Stuart House is a Tudor town house where in 1644 Charles I stayed whilst he mustered his troops for his campaign in Cornwall. It now houses an exhibition about this time in the houses history, as well as being a thriving art and heritage gallery, with refreshments and a wonderful secret garden.

Tintagel Castle – English Heritage

Tintagel Castle

Tintagel PL34 0HE

01840 770328

For a magical day out in Cornwall, visit Tintagel Castle. The wonderful location, set high on the rugged North Cornwall coast, offers dramatic views out to sea, and its fascinating ruins and stunning beach cafe make it a perfect day trip, ideal for those on holiday in the South West.

Tintagel Old Post Office – National Trust

Fore Street

Tintagel PL34 0DB

01840 770024

One of the Trust’s most delightful medieval buildings, enhanced by a cottage garden. Contains a fine collection of Victorian postal memorabilia, 19th century samplers and furniture dating from the 17th century.

Torpoint Archives

Council Offices, 3 Bullers Road

Torpoint PL11 2LQ

07530 976981

The Torpoint Archives have a great deal of useful information to help those researching their Torpoint ancestry. Such information includes the Torpoint Censuses 1841-1911, local parish records (baptisms, marriages and burials), Trade Directories from 1830 and, for the late 18th century, extracts from the Antony Estate records noting many residents in Torpoint in the 1770s and 1780s.

Trerice – National Trust

Trerice, Kestle Mill

Newquay TR8 4PG

01637 875404

Elizabethan manor house with fine interiors and delightful garden, famed for its ‘barrel-roofed’ Great Chamber. Unique lawnmower collection. Additional garden area open, including experimental Tudor plant beds.

Truro Cathedral

Truro Cathedral Office, 14 St Mary’s Street

Truro TR1 2AF

01872 245007

Truro Cathedral was the first cathedral to be built on a new site since Salisbury was started in 1220. Who else but the Victorians would have had the audacity to contemplate a building feat that colossal? They adapted the classic pointed arches of the gothic style and used modern building techniques to create the wonderful building you see around you.

Wayside Museum & Trewey Watermill


Nr St Ives TR26 3DA

01736 796945

An evocative collection of 5000+ artefacts collected over the past 75 years, vividly portraying the lives of the people who lived and worked this ancient landscape in and around Zennor in the far west of Cornwall from 3000BC to the 1950s, all set in areas within the garden of a 16th century Miller’s cottage. The granite watermill has been painstakingly restored to full working order, using traditional materials and skills.

Wheal Martyn Museum & Country Park


St Austell PL26 8XG

01726 850362

Set within 26 acres of woodland and nature trails Wheal Martyn Museum and Country Park is the UK’s only heritage centre which tells the story of Cornwall’s billion pound China Clay industry and the lives of the people who lived and worked in the shadows of the white pyramids.

Collections: Industrial archaeology, photographs, archives and social history items relating to the china clay industry and the St Austell area.